How To Not Hit Behind The Golf Ball

How to Not Hit Behind the Golf Ball

Golf is a game of precision and finesse. It requires a strong mental game and a great deal of practice to master. One of the most common mistakes made by golfers is hitting behind the ball. This can be a frustrating issue that can cause a golfer to lose distance and accuracy. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help golfers avoid this mistake and improve their game.

Understanding Why You Hit Behind the Ball

The first step in improving your golf game is understanding why you are hitting behind the ball. There are several reasons why a golfer may hit behind the ball, including poor posture, incorrect swing mechanics, and a lack of focus.

Poor Posture: Poor posture can cause a golfer to hit behind the ball. When a golfer is not in the proper posture, their swing can be off balance and cause them to hit behind the ball.

Incorrect Swing Mechanics: Incorrect swing mechanics can also cause a golfer to hit behind the ball. If a golfer is not using the proper technique, they may be more likely to hit behind the ball.

Lack of Focus: A lack of focus can also lead to a golfer hitting behind the ball. When a golfer is not focused on the task at hand, they are more likely to make mistakes.

Tips to Avoid Hitting Behind the Ball

Once you understand why you are hitting behind the ball, you can start to work on correcting the issue. Here are some tips to help you avoid hitting behind the ball.

Practice Proper Posture: The first step in avoiding hitting behind the ball is to practice proper posture. Make sure you are standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your knees should be slightly bent and your arms should be relaxed.

Focus on Your Swing Mechanics: The next step is to focus on your swing mechanics. Make sure you are using the correct technique and that your swing is smooth and consistent.

Stay Focused: Staying focused is key to avoiding hitting behind the ball. Make sure you are focused on the task at hand and not allowing yourself to be distracted.

Drills to Improve Your Game

Once you have the basics down, you can start to practice drills to help improve your game. Here are some drills to help you avoid hitting behind the ball.

The Tee Drill: The tee drill is a great way to practice your swing and focus on avoiding hitting behind the ball. Place a tee in the ground and practice your swing without hitting the ball. This will help you develop a consistent swing and focus on avoiding hitting behind the ball.

The Follow Through Drill: The follow through drill is another great way to practice your swing and avoid hitting behind the ball. Place a tee in the ground and practice your swing while focusing on your follow through. This will help you develop a consistent swing and avoid hitting behind the ball.

Other Tips to Improve Your Game

In addition to the drills mentioned above, there are some other tips that can help you improve your game and avoid hitting behind the ball.

Take Lessons: Taking lessons from a professional golf instructor can be a great way to improve your game. A professional instructor can help you identify and correct any mistakes you may be making and help you develop a consistent swing.

Practice: The most important tip is to practice. The more you practice, the better you will become. Make sure to practice regularly and focus on making small improvements each time.


Hitting behind the ball can be a frustrating issue that can cause a golfer to lose distance and accuracy. However, by understanding why you are hitting behind the ball and following the tips and drills mentioned above, you can start to improve your game and avoid this mistake. With practice and dedication, you can become a better golfer and avoid hitting behind the ball.