How To Hit A Good Drive In Golf

Golf is a sport that requires a great deal of skill and technique. It’s a game of finesse and patience. Hitting a good drive is one of the most important aspects of the game. A good drive can set you up for a good score and a bad drive can set you back. So, how can you hit a good drive in golf?

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of a good drive, the basics of a good drive, and some tips on how to hit a good drive in golf.

The importance of a good drive

A good drive is essential for a good score in golf. It sets you up for the rest of the hole and can make or break your game. A good drive can give you a better angle to the green, a shorter approach shot, and a better chance of making par. It can also give you a psychological advantage over your opponents.

The basics of a good drive

A good drive requires a combination of power and accuracy. You need to be able to hit the ball far enough to reach the fairway, but also accurately enough to stay in the fairway.

To hit a good drive, you need to have a good grip, a good stance, and a good swing.


Your grip is the most important part of a good drive. You need to have a firm grip on the club, but not too tight. Your grip should be relaxed but secure.


Your stance is also important for a good drive. You should be standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed. Your feet should be pointing slightly outward, and your knees should be slightly bent.


Your swing is the most important part of a good drive. You need to have a smooth, consistent swing. Your swing should be smooth and controlled, and your follow-through should be complete.

Tips on how to hit a good drive

Now that you know the basics of a good drive, here are some tips on how to hit a good drive in golf.


The most important tip for hitting a good drive is to practice. You need to practice your grip, stance, and swing until you have them all down. You also need to practice hitting the ball with different clubs to get a feel for the different distances they can hit.


Visualization is another important tip for hitting a good drive. Before you hit the ball, take a few moments to visualize the shot. Visualize the ball flying straight and true, and landing in the fairway.

Take your time

When you’re hitting a drive, it’s important to take your time. Don’t rush your swing. Take your time to make sure you have a good grip, a good stance, and a good swing.

Focus on the target

When you’re hitting a drive, it’s important to focus on the target. Don’t focus on the ball, focus on the target. Visualize the ball going straight and true to the target.

Follow through

Another important tip for hitting a good drive is to follow through. Make sure you complete your swing and follow through with your shot. This will help you hit the ball farther and straighter.


The last tip for hitting a good drive is to relax. Don’t tense up or get too nervous. Relax and focus on your shot.


Hitting a good drive in golf is essential for a good score. It requires a combination of power and accuracy. To hit a good drive, you need to have a good grip, a good stance, and a good swing. You also need to practice and visualize your shot. Finally, take your time, focus on the target, follow through, and relax.

By following these tips, you should be able to hit a good drive in golf. Good luck!